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West Central Wisconsin Woodland Owners Conference
March 2nd, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
The Black River, Chippewa Valley and West Central Chapters and partners invite you to the 2019 Spring Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association Conference. The conference brings together local experts to share their knowledge of forestry-related trends and provides guidance on effective woodland management strategies.
Morning at this year’s conference will open with an overview of management activities and a discussion of forest health issues led by representatives from WDNR Forestry and WWOA. Additional morning highlights include a presentation on Chronic Wasting Disease in WI by WDNR Wildlife Biologist Bill Hogseth and a discussion of water quality issues in rural Wisconsin led by UW-Extension’s Paul McGinley.
The lunch period will feature a World Café style dialogue around the following topics:
✔ Women of WWOA ✔ Maple syrup production ✔ Oak wilt
✔ Financial assistance available to woodland owners
✔ Use a land trust to protect your woodland
Afternoon sessions will focus on the following wood product harvesting topics:
✔ Benefits of hiring a consulting forester
✔ Pine markets in WI ✔ Pulpwood markets in WI
A panel of expert speakers will also be available to answer individual questions about the forest products industry in WI and how foresters can assist in the harvesting process.
Register now to:
✔ Learn about forestry trends and management practices
✔ Meet other woodland owners
✔ Share your unique experiences
✔ Gain access to professional foresters and woodland management contractors
who can help answer questions
University of Wisconsin–Stout Memorial Student Center
302 Tenth Ave, Menomonie, WI
$30 per person prior to February 22, 2019
Use the conference brochure to register for the event
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