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West Central Area Woodland Owners Winter Conference

March 7th, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

You are invited to the Spring 2020 Black River, Chippewa Valley, and West Central Chapters  Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association (WWOA) Conference. The planning committee has especially designed the conference to bring in local experts, to share their knowledge of the latest woodland management information with you.

The conference will open with important informational updates on your WWOA organization and the Women of WWOA, woodland insects and diseases you should be aware of, and recent WDNR Forestry activities.

Additionally, an expert speaker from WDNR Wildlife will provide the latest information
on chronic wasting disease. During our lunch, a World Café program will be available
to you. You will be able to speak directly to local experts about these topic areas:
✔ WI Woodland Owners Association
✔ EQIP & CSP Cost Share Programs
✔ Pheasants Forever
✔WI Forest Landowner Grant Program
✔ WI Managed Forest Law Program
✔Lower Chippewa Invasives Partnership

In the afternoon, a representative from the Lower Chippewa Invasive Partnership will
discuss how this invasive species control organization may be available to you. In addition, a Ruffed Grouse Society wildlife biologist will guide you in critical woodland  enhancements to keep ruffed grouse on your lands. The conference will end with discussions on how you may obtain financial and technical assistance for managing your woodland by enrolling in:
✔ Federal Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation
Stewardship Program (CSP)
✔ The WDNR Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program (WFLGP)

This conference is a chance to get to know other woodland owners and share your experiences. Professional foresters and woodland management contractors will also be available to discuss and answer your questions.

Contact the WWOA office at 715-346-4798 or



Eau Claire, WI

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Dakota Ballroom Rm 340

77 Roosevelt Ave


$40 per person

$50 per person after February 28, 2020

For more information download this pdf

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