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North Central Woodland Owner Conference

wisconsin woodland owners association logo

February 19th, 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM

The Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association and the North Central Chapter of WWOA along with UW-Extension will be hosting a Virtual Winter Woodland Conference on February 19, 2022. This conference is open to all woodland owners, and registration is required.

A variety of topics of interest to woodland owners will be covered on Saturday, February 19, from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Starting the day will be Attorney Andrew Schmidt speaking on boundaries, easements and access roads and the new legislation pending these items. Our next presenter will be Wisconsin DNR Curt Rollman, Deer Biologist, on an overview of the deer management assistance program and how DMAP can be useful to many landowners across the state. Do you wonder what is going on with the latest insects and diseases involving your woodlands? Linda Williams the Forest Health Specialist of the Wisconsin DNR will give us the latest updates. NRCS representative, Steve Bertjens, will let you know the EQIP incentives and Alder Shearing available to help with your conservation practices. Our final presenter will be WWOA lifetime member Rich Warosh. His topic is the history, management and future of his woodland in the Town of Rock Falls in Lincoln County.

The conference will be held via Zoom. It is recommended that you download the Zoom software to your viewing device (computer/smartphone) prior to the conference so that you can join the conference on time.

Join us from the comfort of your arm chair and warmth of your home to learn more about caring for your woodlands.



No refunds

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