
Leaving wood for wildlife

If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to see it, does it make a mess? On a recent trip to my in-laws, I took a walk with my dog in their woodlot. It was a crisp fall day and the wind whistled through the open under-story. Most of the leaves had […]

Consider the moss

One of the joys of walking in the woods with a toddler is moving slowly enough to appreciate the little things. I like to walk with my 2-year-old daughter at a State Natural Area (SNA) near our home. She’s got a different perspective from me, due both to her size and her relationship with the […]

Better birding: How to get started?

While taking a family walk on Mother’s Day, my wife pointed out a female Baltimore Oriole in its yellow plumage. My sister-in-law, who could not ID the bird, was impressed. She sighed, ‘I wish I knew birds…’  Her comment got me thinking. How did we learn about birds and what tips would I share with […]

Taking a snapshot of Wisconsin’s wildlife

Have you ever wondered what’s wandering the woods when you’re not there? Motion-triggered trail cameras are a great way to find out. Trail cameras have been popular in the whitetail hunting world for a while. However, in recent years the technology has greatly improved, and the prices have plummeted. As trail cameras become more accessible, outdoor enthusiasts of all sorts are pursuing […]

Go Play…and Bring Your Phone

Spring is in the air. Although, after the snow this week, I think winter is still holding on. I’m starting to believe the saying “snow falls on a robin three times”. We had beautiful weather this past weekend though, and I was able to get out in the woods for a good tromp. I immediately […]

Vernal pools are springing up

My original assignment for this article was to write another wildlife monitoring piece. With the weather warming up though, my mind was wandering to the greener side of things. I’ve seen some green poking through the soil, so instead I’m going to talk about a specific type of wildlife habitat, what wildlife might use it, […]

Forest openings for wildlife

Creating an opening in your woods to attract wildlife isn’t difficult if you build it right and maintain it. My wife truly enjoys seeing wildlife on our property and at the old homestead.  And we do quite a bit to get a variety of wildlife to visit and stay on our land; from creating brush […]

What’s in your woods this month?

Brrrr, I am shivering as I sit down to write this month’s blog post. Many kudos to you who have headed out in your woods these last few days. My skis and snow shoes are beckoning me, and I see some 20’s and 30’s on the horizon, so may have my chance soon. For those […]

How to monitor birds on your property

I saw my first robin last week.  And I’ve been hearing cranes. I love spring, and what it brings back to us, or we hope it brings back to us. Many landowners report bird watching as a favorite activity in their woods.  Do you know what birds are using your woods and trees? Are there […]