
Get a free Forest Stewardship Plan

Are you having problems figuring out what steps you need to take with your woodland to get what you want out of it? Well then, have we got the deal for you!” We are starting a new project called Wisconsin Stewardship Plan Project (WSPP) to help you get a forest stewardship plan for your woodlands. […]

A woodland owner’s journey through the bureaucracy

‘Conservation is seldom convenient’ – Randy Newberg I often think about this quote when talking with landowners looking for help with their woods. Whether help is answering a question about a tree, putting together a Forest Management Plan, or executing that plan, there are many different people, programs, and sources of information to consider.   In extension forestry, our first recommendation is usually […]

What to expect when you contact a forester

The last couple of weeks, we’ve been teaching our Learn About Your Land classes for landowners in the southeast part of the state. Most of these landowners enjoy their woods, but haven’t thought about it from a management perspective. For some this is a family property they visited as a kid, or land where they […]

A helping hand

As a new landowner, or one who has just recently decided to invest more time in their woods, there are all kinds of questions and decisions that are put in front of you. Owning woods is no different than owning a car and having to take it to a mechanic for help; there can be […]

Five steps for new woodland owners

The New Year is just around the corner, and with it brings a host of resolutions. I’m not sure how many people still keep with this tradition though. This month, we offer 5 first steps for a new landowner, but they might be good resolutions for the seasoned landowners out there as well. The first […]

What Can a Forester do for You?

Forestry has changed little since this brochure was published in the 1960’s, but the role of a forester and what they can do for you, if anything, has broadened. It is important to consider a forester for any activities you want to partake in on your property. A good forester is trained in the art […]

Resources for Woodland Owners

Over 57% of Wisconsin forests are owned by families, rather than public entities (federal, state, counties), tribes, and industry. This amounts to somewhere around 270,000 family woodlots in the state. The unfortunate part of this story is that only about 10% of landowners have a written management plan for their forests. Management plans are important […]