Resources for Wildlife Damage

Our resources pages contain publications, videos, blogs and webpages that we trust. The results can be filtered by type and topic below.

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10 Ways to Protect Your Woodland Property

Ten Ways include: protecting fire risk, trespass and liability, your health in the woods, wildlife damage, destructive cutting practices, invasive pests, water quality, soil resources, woodland health, and scenic beauty.

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An Introduction to Wildlife Damage Management

With good information and a willingness to act, most common problems with wildlife can be minimized or avoided

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Bear Damage and Abatement in Wisconsin

Black bear ecology, damage and preventive measures

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Beaver Damage Control

Guidelines for people with beaver damage problems

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Controlling Deer Damage in Wisconsin

Guide to reducing the damage from deer browse and rubs on your property

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Meadow Mouse Control

Guide for controlling meadow mouse populations on your property

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Rabbit Ecology and Damage Management

Learn about rabbit ecology and how to protect your trees from their browse

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Woodpecker Ecology and Damage Management

Woodpecker identification, ecology, and damage caused