Resources for Ntfp

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Maple sap collection bucket on the side of a tree

Achieving sweet success with your maples

Learn how to manage your forest to maximize maple sap production by creating healthy and vigorously growing trees.

Adapting to Changes in Your Sugarbush

Maple syrup producers across the Midwest have noticed changes in their sugarbushes in recent years, such as earlier tapping seasons and the arrival of new invasive and competing plant species and forest pests. We expect these and other changes to continue in the coming decades. By being flexible and adaptable, you can be a good […]

An Introduction to Agroforestry

In this post, I will expand on what agroforestry is, and how it is being used here in Wisconsin. Although this post may seem very agricultural centered, I should point out a few things. One, many woodlots are associated with farmsteads, and are not seen as a profit center for the farm, though they could […]


An Introduction to Hazelnuts in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, we generally see two species of hazelnuts: American (Corylus Americana) and beaked (Corylus cornuta). Both are considered shrubs, rather than trees. As their popularity here grows, we are seeing more hybrids as well.

Fall trees. Red and yellow leaves

An old man’s love of his woods

The practical uses for a woodlot don’t have to conflict with the aesthetic values a forest provides.

A Walk With Moss

Consider the moss

Mosses are classified as bryophytes. However, they’re often lumped with liverworts and club mosses and simply called primitive plants.

Forest farming – Agroforestry for any property

Forest farming makes use of a multilayered woodland to produce specialty crops that cannot survive in simplified environments like a typical garden or farm field.

Cover of the pdf

Harvesting Firewood from your Woods

This publication covers a variety of topics related to the harvest and use of firewood. We begin with some basic concepts of how trees grow and the characteristics of various trees used for firewood. The second section takes you into your woods, and looks at which trees to cut and at safety considerations. The third […]

How to bottle your maple syrup

If you bottle your syrup correctly, it will be shelf stable indefinitely.

Correct maple tapping

How to tap trees for optimal sap production

There is a best way to tapping trees