Publications index

All the publications on this page are in alphabetical order by title. You can search within this page by utilizing the keyword descriptions included with each publication. Simply activate the search function within your internet browser by pressing, at the same time, the “control” and “f” keys (if you are using a PC) or the “apple” and “f” keys (if you are using an Apple computer). Then type a word that describes what you are looking for, like “planting” or “grouse”. You can use the links below to jump to a particular first letter.

10 Ways to Protect Your Woodland Property
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2005
Publication number:FR-313 2005
Keywords:fire, trespass, boundaries, safety, wildlife damage, timber harvests, invasives, water quality, soil, forest health, scenic beauty

750 Board Foot Solar Lumber Dry Kiln
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2005
Publication number:Forestry Fact 98
Keywords:lumber, drying, kiln, wood products, solar

A Field Guide To Terrestrial Invasive Plants in Wisconsin
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2010
Publication number:FR-436
Keywords:invasive, control, spread, identification

A Homeowners Guide To Wildfire Retrofit
Produced by:Institute for Business and Home Safety
Publication number: IBHS-1
Keywords:wildland/urban interface, fire department, risk, defensible space, maintenance, building materials, checklist

A Landowner’s Guide to Building Forest Access Roads
Produced by:USDA Forest Service, 1998
Publication number:NA-TP-06-98
Keywords:planning, location, road access, stream crossings, culverts, construction, drainage, water bars, soil erosion

A Landowners Guide to Woodland Wildlife Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 2001
Publication number:G3578
Keywords:wildlife habitat, ruffed grouse, management planning, silviculture

An Introduction to Wildlife Damage Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3997-002
Keywords:wildlife habitat, wildlife damage

Annosum Root Rot: Biology, Symptoms, and Prevention
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Keywords:disease, roots, rot, red pine, white pine, fungus, prevention

Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Keywords:fungus, roots, rot, stressed trees, control, prevention

Bats: Information for Wisconsin Homeowners
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3096
Keywords:wildlife habitat, bat

Bear Damage and Abatement in Wisconsin
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3300
Keywords:wildlife habitat, bear

Beaver Damage Control
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2005
Publication number:WM-007
Keywords:beaver, wildlife damage

Best Management Practices for Log-Based Shitake Cultivation
Produced By:University of Vermont Extension
Publication number:UVE-1
Keywords: equipment, harvesting, processing, care, handling, log selection

Bird Feeding: Tips for Beginners and Veterans
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3176
Keywords:wildlife habitat, bird

Black Walnut
Produced by: Virginia Tech
Publication number: VT-3
Keywords: marketing, harvesting, storage, processing

BMP Field Guide (Best Management Practices for Water Quality)
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2010
Publication number:FR-093
Keywords:Best Management Practices, water quality, roads, logging, culverts, timber harvest, permits, riparian areas

Brush Management in Wisconsin
Produced by: University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
Publication number: AA-1
Keywords: mechanical, herbicides, cultural, application, woody plants, effectiveness

Building a Bat House
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Keywords:bats, wildlife, houses, habitat

Buying a Safe Chain Saw
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3206
Keywords:forest operations, chainsaw, safety, protection

Calculating the Weight of Lumber
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1993
Publication number:Forestry Fact 69
Keywords:measurement, weight, volume

Calling All Wildlife
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-216
Keywords:wildlife habitat, habitat, management planning

Care and Handling of Bare Root Seedlings
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2006
Publication number:FR-279
Keywords:planting methods

Careful Harvest Fact Sheet I
Produced by:University of Minnesota Cooperative Extension
Publication number: UMES-1
Keywords: balsam bough, birch, lycopodium, biology, harvesting, regulations

Careful Harvest Fact Sheet II
Produced by:University of Minnesota Cooperative Extension
Publication number: UMES-2
Keywords: cedar, birch, willow, biology, harvesting, regulations

Caring for Your Woods: A 10-Step Plan For Landowners
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2016
Publication number:Forestry Fact 87
Keywords:management planning, goal, assistance

Casualties, Disasters and the Income Tax: Some Tips for Woodland Owners
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2001
Publication number:Forestry Fact 16
Keywords:tree, value

Causes and Cures for Warp in Drying
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1993
Publication number:Forestry Fact 68
Keywords:wood products, lumber, drying, warping

Christmas Tree Shearing
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3268
Keywords:Christmas tree

Collecting and Planting Seeds of Cone-bearing Trees
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G1649
Keywords:pine, planting, seed

Colorful Scavenger Hunt
Produced by:UW-Madison Extension, 2022
Keywords: forest, fun, kids, family

Common and Glossy Buckthorn
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-216
Keywords: threats, identification, spread, control, buckthorn, invasive, non-native, exotic

Common Terrestrial Invasive Plants in WI
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2010
Publication number:FR-456
Keywords:invasive plants, NR40

Conducting a Successful Timber Sale
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2003
Publication number:FR-254
Keywords:harvesting, timber sale, forest operations, BMP, marketing

Contracting with a Consulting Forester
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2016
Publication number:Forestry Fact 110
Keywords:agreement, timber sales, forester

Controlling Deer Damage in Wisconsin
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3083
Keywords:wildlife habitat, deer

Controlling invasive plants using the cut stump method
Produced by:Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin
Keywords:invasive, control, management, herbicides, stump

Country Acres: A Guide to Buying and Managing Rural Property
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3309
Keywords:land purchase, ownership, rural living, property improvement

Creating a Forest: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planting and Maintaining Trees
Produced by: WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-426
Keywords: planting, planning, stock, care of trees, reforestation

Critter Condos
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-222
Keywords:wildlife habitat, tree, silviculture

Dehumidification Drying for Small Woodworking Firms and Hobbyists
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2007
Publication number:FR-396
Keywords:lumber, sawmilling, solar kiln, drying wood

Determine Your Basis And Keep More Timber Income
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1994
Publication number:Forestry Fact 71
Keywords:tax, management, planning, value, loss, expense

Direct Seeding of Hardwoods in Wisconsin
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2004
Keywords:planting, seeds

Directory of Cooperating Foresters
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, current version
Keywords:forester, directory, assistance

Do I need a Permit for Building a Forest Road?
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2007
Publication number:FR-380
Keywords:forest road, permits, zoning, stormwater, wetlands, waterways, rivers, streams, BMPs

Do I Need a Permit for Harvesting Timber?
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2007
Publication number:FR-379
Keywords:timber harvest, logging, permits, cutting notices, zoning, burning, riparian areas, rivers, streams, lakes

Ecology of the Ruffed Grouse
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3252
Keywords:wildlife habitat, ruffed grouse, population, management, food, cover

Emerald Ash Borer – The Green Menace
Produced by: US Department of Agriculture
Publication number: USDA-1769
Keywords: symptoms, prevention

EPA-Certified Wood Burning
Produced by: Hearth, Patio, and Barbeque Association
Publication number: HPBA-1
Keywords: benefits, regulations, upgrading, upgrading, combustion

Estate Planning for Forest Landowners
Produced by:USDA Forest Service, 2009
Publication number:SRS-112
Keywords:estate planning, taxes, valuation, deductions, wills, gifts, trusts, ownership

Estimating and Interpreting Site Index
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 1996
Publication number:G3361
Keywords:measurement, site quality, potential, investment, management, capacity, productivity

Estimating Stocking Conditions
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 1996
Publication number:G3362
Keywords:measurement, stand, stocking, basal area, density, management, yield, volume, growth

Family Estate Planning
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 2011
Publication number:B1442
Keywords:property ownership, property distribution, taxes, estate planning

Factors Influencing Timber Prices for Landowners
Produced by:UW-Madison Dept of Forest Ecology and Management, 2015
Publication number:Forestry Fact 106
Keywords:timber sale, prices, harvesting

Farmer’s Guide to Woodland Management
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-322
Keywords:forester, timber harvest, chainsaw

Federal Income Tax on Timber: A Key to Your Most Frequently Asked Questions
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Publication number:R8-TP39
Keywords:timber tax laws, woodland tax classification, timber sales, capital assests, expenses, cost-share payments, timber loss

Field Guide to Common Macrofungi in Eastern Forests and their Ecosystem Functions
Produced by:
USDA Forest Service, 2017
Publication number: NRS-79
Keywords: fungi

Fences in Agricultural Areas
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:LGC13
Keywords:Chapter 90, fence law

Firewise Around Your Home
Produced by: WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number: FR-297
Keywords: access, fire resistance, defensible space, landscaping, construction

Firewise Landscaping – A Guide to Protecting Your Home from Wildfire
Produced by: UWEX Cooperative Extension, 2008
Publication number:GWQ 049
Keywords: access, fire resistance, defensible space, landscaping, construction, maintenance, plants

Firewise Landscaping Checklist
Produced by: Firewise
Publication number: FW-1
Keywords: access, fire resistance, defensible space, landscaping, construction, maintenance

Forest Landowners’ Guide to the Federal Income Tax
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Publication number:USDA-718
Keywords:capital costs, reforestation tax incentives, operating expenses, timber income and capital gains, government program cost- share payments, casualty losses, conservation easements

Forest Management Strategies to Minimize the Impact of the Gypsy Moth
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1997
Publication number:Forestry Fact 83
Keywords:gypsy moth, insect, defoliation, protection

Forest Roads and Wetlands: Evaluating your Options
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2003
Publication number:FR-408
Keywords:water quality, forest operations, BMP, road access, stream crossings, culverts, construction, drainage, water bars, soil erosion

Forest Scavenger Hunt
Produced by:UW-Madison Extension, 2022
Keywords: forest, fun, kids, family

Forest Soils of Wisconsin: An Overview
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3452
Keywords:silviculture, soil, productivity, growth, yield
NRCS soils website

Forest Succession
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1996
Publication number:Forestry Fact 78
Keywords:old growth, succession, forest management, change, communities, associations

Forest Tree and Shrub Seeds
Produced by: Virginia Tech
Publication number: VT-15
Keywords: marketing, harvesting, care, handling

Forest Trees of WisconsinOR try theTree ID Key
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2003
Publication number:FR-053
Keywords:identification, tree, forest

Forestry Terms
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 1996
Publication number:G3018
Keywords:definition, meaning, abbreviations

Garlic Mustard
Produced by: WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number: FR-350
Keywords: identification, control

Getting the Help You Need
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-219
Keywords:wildlife habitat, assistance, management planning, dollars, funding, organizations, maps, plants, nurseries, native

Getting the Most from Your Woodland
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1990
Publication number:Forestry Fact 48
Keywords:management planning, goals

Gimme Shelter
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-227
Keywords:wildlife habitat, shelterbelts, feeding, cover, food plots

Produced by: Virginia Tech
Publication number: VT-7
Keywords:habitat, marketing, harvesting, processing

Grassland Birds: Fostering Habitats Using Rotational Grazing
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3715
Keywords:wildlife habitat, prairies, hay fields, pastures, benefits

Ground Squirrels: Their Ecology and Control
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3238
Keywords:wildlife habitat, damage

Growing Wisconsin Trees From Seed
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1993
Publication number:Forestry Fact 66
Keywords:planting, seed, collecting, storing

Guide for Using Portable Electric Moisture Measures on Lumber
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1998
Publication number:Forestry Fact 88
Keywords:wood products, lumber, moisture meter, drying

Guide for Using the Oven-Dry Method for Determining the Moisture Content of Wood
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1998
Publication number:Forestry Fact 89
Keywords:wood products, lumber, moisture, drying

Guidelines for Grading Hardwood Logs
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1994
Publication number:Forestry Fact 74
Keywords:measurement, grading, value, volume, quality, estimating

Gypsy Moth & Management
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2008
Publication number:FR-405
Keywords:gypsy moth, forest health,insect, identification, treatment, control

Gypsy Moth Silvicultural Guidelines for Wisconsin
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-123
Keywords:insect, gypsy moth, forest management, protection, defoliation, impacts

Gypsy Moths: Identifying and Managing Gypsy Moth Caterpillars
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-171B
Keywords:gypsy moth, insect, identification

Hardwood Lumber Kiln Schedules
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1996
Publication number:Forestry Fact 80
Keywords:wood products, lumber, kiln drying

Harvesting and Forest Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3424
Keywords:harvesting systems, forest operations, regeneration

Heating with Wood: Principles of Combustion
Produced by:Montana State University Extension
Publication number: MT198405HR
Keywords:combustion, stages, fuel, heat, air

Herbicide Effectiveness on Invasive Plants In Wisconsin
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 2012
Publication number:A3893
Keywords:herbicides, plants, invasives

Herbicides for Forest Management
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Keywords:herbicide, weed control, forest management, planting

Hickory Dieback and Mortality
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Keywords:forest health, hickory mortality

Hiring A Consulting Forester
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1994
Publication number:Forestry Fact 75
Keywords:forester, assistance, services, cost, finding

Home on the Range
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-228
Keywords:wildlife habitat, grasslands, prairie, maintaining, establishing, seeding, seeds

Homeowner Guide to Emerald Ash Borer Insecticide Treatments
Produced by: UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number: XHT1181
Keywords: Emerald ash borer,treatment, insecticides

How Forest Trees Grow
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3277
Keywords:forest management, tree, growth, height, diameter, roots, branches, reproduction, flowering, seed production

How to Build a Plastic Mesh Deer Exclusion Fence
Produced by:Purdue University
Publication number:FNR-486
Keywords:fencing, deer, exclusion, seedlings

How To Choose Firewood Trees
Produced by:Cornell Cooperative Extension
Publication number:CUCE-1
Keywords:selecting trees, splitting logs, transporting, firewood problems

How to Evaluate Forest Investments
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3476
Keywords:management planning, value, income, rate of return, present value, costs, inflation

How to Hire a Contractor for Land Management Activities
Produced by:UW-Extension and the Aldo Leopold Foundation, 2014
Publication number:Forestry Fact 105
Keywords:contractor, forester, logger, forest management, wildlife management, vegetation management, online resources, estate planning, consultant

How to Identify, Prevent, and Control Oak Wilt
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Keywords:disease, oak wilt, management

How to Identify White Pine Blister Rust and Remove Cankers
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Keywords:disease, white pine, management

How to Inventory and Monitor Wildlife on Your Land
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-294
Keywords:inventory, monitor, wildlife

How to Manage Aspen
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1997
Publication number:Forestry Fact 84
Keywords:aspen, forest management

How to Manage Jack Pine
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1997
Publication number:Forestry Fact 85
Keywords:jack pine, forest management

How to Manage Jack Pine to Reduce Damage from Jack Pine Budworm
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Publication number:NA-FR-01-94
Keywords:jack pine, disease, management

How to Manage Northern Hardwoods
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1996
Publication number:Forestry Fact 81
Keywords:northern hardwood, forest management

How to Manage Red Pine
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1996
Publication number:Forestry Fact 82
Keywords:red pine, forest management

How to Manage White Pine
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1997
Publication number:Forestry Fact 86
Keywords:white pine, forest management

How to Prune Trees
Produced by:United States Department of Agriculture, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry
Publication number:NA-FR-01-09
Keywords:pruning tools, thinning, forest management, wounds, cuts

How to Recognize Common Diseases of Oaks in the Midwest
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Publication number:NA-FR-01-15
Keywords: oak, disease, identification

How to Recognize Hazardous Defects in Trees
Produced by:United States Department of Agriculture, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry
Publication number:NA-FR-01-96
Keywords:tree, safety, protection, correcting, deadwood, inspecting

How To Tap Trees and Make Maple Syrup
Produced by: University of Maine Cooperative Extension
Publication number: UMCE-7036
Keywords:production, tapping

Identifying & Managing Pine Pests in Wisconsin
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 1988
Publication number:G3428
Keywords:pine, protection, identification, insects, growth, disease, control

Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer
Produced by: The Cooperative Emerald Ash Borer Program
Publication number: CEABP1
Keywords: treatment, insecticides

Intermediate Cuttings in Forest Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 1996
Publication number:G3398
Keywords:forest management, thinning, forest operations, crop tree release, improvement cuts, salvage cuts, sanitation cuts

Invasive Plants in Forestry – Management Guide for Buckthorn
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number: IPIF-1
Keywords: spread, control, native alternatives, regenerating

Invasive Plants in Forestry Management Guide for Honeysuckle
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number: IPIF-2
Keywords:spread, control, native alternatives, regenerating

Invasive Plants in Forestry Management Guide for Japanese Barberry
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number: IPIF-3
Keywords:spread, control, native alternatives, regenerating

Is it Red Oak or White Oak?
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G7FSRWO
Keywords:oak, identification, tree, color test

Just Add Water
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-229
Keywords:wildlife habitat, wetlands, restoration, methods

Lake State Woodlands: Oak Wilt Management-What Are the Options?
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 2001
Publication number:G3590
Keywords:oak, forest management, disease, protection, risk, prevention, control

Lake States Woodlands: A Selection of Forest Investment Evaluation
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 1996
Publication number:G3521
Keywords:management planning, value, income, present value, rate of return

Lake States Woodlands: Marketing Timber
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3297
Keywords:marketing, forest operations, value, sale, stumpage, contract

Land Measurement and Survey
Produced by:Oregon State University Extension
Publication number: PNW-581
Keywords:survey types, legal basis, maps, aerial photographs, GIS, GPS

Landscape Plants that Attract Birds
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G1609
Keywords:wildlife habitat, planting, bird, nest, shelter, food

Logging eTool
Produced by:Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2003
Keywords:forest operations, safety, liability

Logging Methods for Wisconsin Woodlands
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 2011
Publication number:GWQ059
Keywords:logging equipment, harvesting systems, harvesting methods, harvesting prescriptions

Maintaining Soil Quality in Woodlands: A Lake States Field Guide
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2008
Publication number:FR-409
Keywords:soil, compaction, rutting, erosion, forest operations

Make Your Own Diameter Tapes
Produced by:MNDNR
Publication number:PLT1
Keywords:measurement, diameter, circumference

Managed Forest Law Information
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Keywords:managed forest law
Publication number: FR-295
Internet version(Link to all MFL forms, internet only)

Managed Forest Law Tax Program
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2010
Publication number:Forestry Fact 50
Keywords:tax, MFL, management planning

Managed Forest Law: Filling Out a Cutting Notice
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2005
Publication number:Forestry Fact 100
Keywords:MFL, timber harvest

Managed Forest Law: How Does the Program Impact Existing and Future Structures?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2015
Publication number:Forestry Fact 101
Keywords:MFL, buildings, structures

Managed Forest Law: Transferring Land
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2010
Publication number:Forestry Fact 102
Keywords:MFL, land transfer

Managed Forest Law: What Constitutes a Mandatory Practice?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2008
Publication number:Forestry Fact 99
Keywords:MFL, timber harvests, mandatory practices

Management of Invasive Plants in Wisconsin: Common buckthorn and glossy buckthorn
Produced by: UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number: A3924-02
Keywords: identification, spread, control

Managing Wisconsin Fish Ponds
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3693
Keywords:wildlife habitat, fish, pond, water quality

Managing Wisconsin’s Forested Shorelands
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-197
Keywords:shoreline, forest, permits

Managing Woodlands on Lake Superior’s Red Clay Plain
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2007
Publication number:FR-385
Keywords:forest operations, stream crossing, soil, BMP

Managing Woodlands for Wisconsin’s Coastal Trout Streams
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2007
Publication number:FR-386
Keywords:trout streams, riparian areas, water quality, forest operations, BMP

Managing Your Land for Wild Turkeys
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 1999
Publication number:WM-267
Keywords:wild turkey, habitat magagement

Managing Your Woodland for Firewood
Produced by:Kansas State University Cooperative Extension
Publication number: MF-773
Keywords:yield, heat value, growth rate, tolerance, harvesting regeneration, wildlife

Maple Production For Beginners
Produced by:Cornell Cooperative Extension
Publication number: CUCE-2
Keywords:equipment, tapping, collection, processing, filtering

Maple Syrup
Produced by:University of Minnesota Extension
Publication number:UMES-11
Keywords:equipment, tapping, collection, processing, filtering

Marketing Urban Logs
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2003
Publication number:Forestry Fact 95
Keywords:urban trees, urban logs, selling, marketing

Meadow Mouse Control
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:A2148
Keywords:wildlife habitat, meadow mouse, tree damage, rodent

Measuring Trees and Estimating Volume
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3332
Keywords:measurement, volume, height, diameter, inventory

Mole Control
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3200
Keywords:wildlife habitat, mole, damage

Multiple Benefits from Forest Management
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-104
Keywords:management planning, assistance, goals

Oak Wilt in Wisconsin’s Forests
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:DNR
Keywords:forest health, oak wilt

On Edge
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-226
Keywords:wildlife habitat, edge, openings, trails

Outdoor Hazards in Wisconsin: A Guide to Noxious Insects, Plants and Wildlife
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3564
Keywords:identification, safety, protection, wildlife, ticks, insects, poison ivy, wild parsnip

Pine Plantation Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G1983
Keywords:planting, seedling, plantation, pine, silviculture, management

Pine Engraver Bark Beetle
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Keywords:insect, bark, pine, control, prevention

Preserving the Family Woods: Tools to help guide transfer to the next generation of landowners
Produced by:United States Department of Agriculture
Publication number:NA–IN–04–08
Keywords: family legacy, estate planning

Private Forestry Assistance in Wisconsin
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2008
Publication number:FR-068
Keywords:assistance, foresters, timber sale

Proper Tree Pruning
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-256
Keywords:tree pruning how-to, pruning tools

Proposed Legislative Changes to the MFL: Focus on Local Government
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2011
Publication number:Forestry Fact 107
Keywords:MFL, timber harvests, mandatory practices, fiscal impacts, taxation

Proposed Legislative Changes to the MFL: Implications for Current, New, & Renewing Landowners
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2011
Publication number:Forestry Fact 108
Keywords:MFL, timber harvests, mandatory practices, leasing, forest enterprise areas, annual allowable cut

Protect Your Trees From Oak Wilt
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2009
Publication number:FR-127
Keywords:disease, woodlot, building

Protect Your Waterfront Home from Wildland Fire
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-419
Keywords:shoreland buffer, fire

Protect Your Woods for Tomorrow
Produced by: UW-Madison Extension
Keywords: climate change

Protective Clothing for Chain Saw Operators
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3177
Keywords:forest operations, chainsaw, safety, protection, sawing, cutting

Protecting Your Legacy
Produced by: UW Extension
Publication number: UWEX-3
Keywords: property ownership, property distribution, taxes, estate planning

Provisions in a Timber Sale Contract
Produced by:UWEX Regional Natural Resources Program
Publication number:UWEX-1
Keywords:compaction, residuals, slash, decking

Putting Pen to Paper
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-217
Keywords:wildlife habitat, habitat, management planning, inventory

Rabbit Ecology and Damage Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3997-004
Keywords:wildlife habitat, rabbit damage

Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-221
Keywords:wildlife habitat, rabbit, brush piles, red fox, salamanders

Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3304
Keywords:wildlife habitat, raccoon, identification, tracks, control

Raccoon Ecology and Damage Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3997-005
Keywords:wildlife habitat, raccoon damage

Recreational Forest Trails: Plan for Success
Produced by:North Carolina Cooperative Extension Services
Publication number:NCCES-1
Keywords:trail type, specifications, construction, accessability

Regulated Terrestrial Invasive Plants in WI
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2010
Publication number:FR-464
Keywords:invasive plants, NR40

Safe Tree Harvesting
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension, 1991
Publication number:G3205
Keywords:forest operations, chainsaw, safety, protection, sawing, cutting, saw maintenance

Sample Prospectus that Advertises a Timber Sale
Produced by:UWEX Regional Natural Resources Program
Publication number:UWEX-2
Keywords:sale, terms, bidding, payment

Shelves, Houses and Feeders for Birds and Mammals
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:NCR338
Keywords:wildlife, habitat, bird houses, bird feeders, birds

Silvics Manual
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Publication number:Agriculture Handbook 654
Keywords:identification, tree species, silviculture

Skunks: How to Deal with Them
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3273
Keywords:wildlife habitat, skunk, biology, control

Snakes of Wisconsin
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3139
Keywords:wildlife habitat, snakes, identification, biology

So What Should I Plant?
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-223
Keywords:wildlife habitat, planting, management planning, fruit, nuts

Species For Christmas Trees in the Lake States
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1991
Publication number:Forestry Fact 55
Keywords:pine, Christmas tree, planting, evergreens

Spreading Like Wildfire
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-309
Keywords:open burning, fire, Firewise

Spruce Budworm Management
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FHP-10
Keywords: budworm, control

Taxes fo Woodland Owners
Produced by:American Forest Foundation
Publication number:MLP-1
Keywords:timber tax laws, woodland tax classification, timber sales, capital assests, expenses, timber loss

Techniques for Equalizing and Conditioning Lumber
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1992
Publication number:Forestry Fact 65
Keywords:wood products, lumber, drying, equalizing, conditioning

Temporary Stream Crossings for Forestry: A Directory of Available Structures
Produced by: WI Department of Natural Resources, 2007
Publication number:FR-378
Keywords:stream crossing, BMP, forest operations, permit, waterways

Threatened and Endangered Species in Forests of Wisconsin
Produced by: WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:FR-174
Keywords:mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, plants, insects, mussels, snails

To Cut Or Not To Cut?
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-224
Keywords:wildlife habitat, timber harvesting, silviculture

Tolerance of Tree Species
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1996
Publication number:Forestry Fact 79
Keywords:definition, tolerance, silviculture, planting

Trail Design for Small Properties
Produced by:University of MN Extension Services
Publication number:UMES-3
Keywords:trail use, design standards, trail design, trail installation, trail signs

Treating Gypsy Moths with BTK
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:DNR3
Keywords:gypsy moth, insect, pesticide

Tree Defoliation in Forests & Woodlots
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2004
Publication number:FR-220a
Keywords:defoliation, causes, impacts

Tree Identification Key
Produced by:UW Stevens Point
Publication number:LEAF1
Keywords:identification, leaf

Tree Squirrels in Wisconsin: Benefits and Problems
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3522
Keywords:wildlife habitat, squirrel, identification, biology, control

Understanding the Sample Timber Sale Contract
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2009
Publication number:Forestry Fact 94
Keywords:forest operations, assistance, marketing, contract, timber harvest

Walnut Tips–Choosing the Right Seed for Your Woodland
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1998
Publication number:Forestry Fact 90
Keywords:walnut, seed, planting

Walnut Tips–Soil and Site Selection
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1992
Publication number:Forestry Fact 58
Keywords:walnut, planting, site selection

Walnut Tips–Top Pruning
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1990
Publication number:Forestry Fact 51
Keywords:walnut, pruning, forest operations

Wealth of the Waterways
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM- 225
Keywords:wildlife habitat, water quality, riparian areas, habitat, shoreland

What Is A Board Foot?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1989
Publication number:Forestry Fact 42
Keywords:definition, board foot, volume, measurement, inventory, diameter, timber harvest

What Is A Chain?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1989
Publication number:Forestry Fact 45
Keywords:definition, chain, distance, measurement, inventory

What Is A Cord?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1989
Publication number:Forestry Fact 44
Keywords:definition, cord, volume, measurement, inventory, timber harvest

What Is Basal Area?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1989
Publication number:Forestry Fact 43
Keywords:definition, basal area, measurement, diameter, inventory, timber harvest

What Will A Forest Tree Earn?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1988
Publication number:Forestry Fact 38
Keywords:income, forest operations, economics, inventory, management planning, timber harvest

What’s A Forest Tree Worth?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1988
Publication number:Forestry Fact 39
Keywords:income, forest operations, economics, timber harvest, management planning

What’s My Timber Worth? And Why?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2003
Publication number:Forestry Fact 97
Keywords:timber harvest, timber sale, logs, marketing, selling, stumpage prices

When To Harvest Timber: Now Or Later?
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1991
Publication number:Forestry Fact 53
Keywords:forest operations, income, value, management planning, economics, timber harvest

Wildlife Damage Management: Laws and Regulations
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3997-001
Keywords:wildlife habitat, wildlife damage, laws

Windbreaks That Work
Produced by: WI Department of Natural Resources, 2003
Publication number: FR-70
Keywords:soil erosion, fields, wildllife

Winter Tree Identification Key
Produced by:UW Stevens Point
Publication number:LEAF2
Keywords:identification, twig, bud, fruit, scar

Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 1999
Publication number:Forestry Fact 92
Keywords:assistance, cost-share, grant

Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program (DNR)
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:DNR1
Keywords:wildlife habitat, management planning, introduction, history, ecology

Wisconsin Forests 2004
Produced by:USDA Forest Service
Publication number:NRS-23
Keywords:Wisconsin forests, forest types, soils, forest ownership, forest trends

Wisconsin Manual of Control Recommendations for Ecologically Invasive Plants
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 1997
Keywords:invasive, control, management

Wisconsin Nursery Directory: Retailers of Seedlings and Transplants of Common Forest Tree Species
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2001
Publication number:Forestry Fact 14
Keywords:directory, seedling, planting, nursery

Wisconsin Forest Management Guidelines
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2011
Publication number:FR-226
Keywords:forest management, forest operations, harvesting, silviculture, water quality, BMP, planning

Wisconsin Wildlife Primer
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources
Publication number:WM-220
Keywords:wildlife habitat, management planning, introduction, history, ecology

Wisconsin Wood Residue Brokers
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management
Publication number:Forestry Fact 103
Keywords:wood products, wood residue markets

Wisconsin’s Forestry Best Management Practices for Invasive Species
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2009
Publication number:FR-444
Keywords:Best Management Practices, invasive species, management, BMP

Wisconsin’sWood Using Industry Database
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management
Keywords:kiln, directory
Internet version only

Wisconsin’s Recreational Use Statute: Limiting the Injury Liability of Private Landowners
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3326
Keywords:recreation, liability, public use, legal aspects

Wisconsin’s State Forest Nurseries
Produced by:WI Department of Natural Resources, 2004
Publication number:FR-042
Keywords:planting, nursery

Wood Heating Appliances for Homes and Businesses
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:GWQ066
Keywords:heat value, fuel types, economics

Wood Use and Society
Produced by:UW-Madison Department of Forest Ecology and Management, 2001
Publication number:Forestry Fact 93
Keywords:wood products, wood use, production

Woodchuck Ecology and Damage Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3997-007
Keywords:wildlife habitat, woodchuck damage

Woodchucks: Their Ecology and Control
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3505
Keywords:wildlife habitat, woodchuck, identification, biology, control

Woodland Visions – Appreciating and Managing Forests for Scenic Beauty
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3762
Keywords:silviculture, forest operations, aesthetics, scenic beauty, management planning

Woodpecker Ecology and Damage Management
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension
Publication number:G3997-008
Keywords:wildlife habitat, woodpecker damage

Woods Words(2009,2010,2011,2012)
Produced by:UWEX Cooperative Extension- Environmental Resources Center
Publication number:ERC1
Keywords:resources, foresters, loggers

Woody Cover for Wildlife
Produced by:WI Dept of Natural Resources, 2012
Publication number:FR-066
Keywords:wildlife habitat, tree planting, site preparation

Your Family Land: Legacy or Memory?
Produced by:United States Department of Agriculture
Publication number:NA–IN–01–09
Keywords: estate planning