“If you want healthy forests, you need healthy forest industries.” – Scott Bowe If you were asked to imagine the forests of Wisconsin, would a towering pine forest appear? Or maybe a well-shaded maple hardwood forest glowing in warm red colors this time of year? What about a gnarly oak savannah spanning over tall grasses? […]
Category: Timber sales
Why do I need a forester for my timber sale?
It is a question a lot of landowners have, and one I hope to help answer here. For those who feel like they can run a timber sale on their property by themselves, I have some questions for you: What are the mills paying for oak? Maple? Aspen? Pine? Other species? What are your trees […]
What is forest certification?
Do you remember not so long ago when Harry Potter books were quite the rage? One of those books, Goblet of Fire, sold over 5 million copies. In total, the seven books sold over 450 million copies. Goblet of Fire was 734 pages, or 367 sheets of paper. For that one book, that is 1,835,000,000 […]
It’s a Beautiful Day to Be Neighborly
I got home from work the other day, and sat down to take off my work boots and put on my play boots. This led me to start whistling a familiar childhood song. (That would be Mr Roger’s neighborhood theme, for those that haven’t caught the reference.) With that tune came this month’s article topic, […]
Cutting and selling your own logs
There are many steps to take and things to learn for successfully cutting and selling your own logs. One fall, we got it into our heads that we could maximize our profits on a timber sale by felling the trees ourselves. Additionally, we would either pay someone to haul the logs to the mill or […]
Talking to a logger’s reference
There are some important things you need to learn from a reference supplied by a logger. When I talk with landowners about hiring a forester or logger to work on their property, I always tell them to ask for references. The response I usually get is, “what questions should I ask them?” I recently came […]
Reasons for always having a written contract
There are serious problems you can avoid by spelling out in a contract exactly what you want foresters, loggers and other contractors to do Our property has been in the family for many decades now, and we have made our fair share of mistakes. Some of these are related to working with contractors for timber […]
Determining the value of a log
The process for determining the value of individual logs is complex and involves a number of variables. As is nearly always the case, a family disagreement took place while we were working in the woods. Now it may seem like we are always disagreeing in the woods, but that is not true at all. In […]
What are my Trees Worth?
There are a number of factors that play into what someone is willing to pay for the trees on your property. I just finished a series of classes for woodland owners on a variety of topics, and one topic that continued to be of interest to the participants was the value of trees. Specifically, they […]