Do you remember not so long ago when Harry Potter books were quite the rage? One of those books, Goblet of Fire, sold over 5 million copies. In total, the seven books sold over 450 million copies. Goblet of Fire was 734 pages, or 367 sheets of paper. For that one book, that is 1,835,000,000 […]
Category: Protecting your investments
It’s a Beautiful Day to Be Neighborly
I got home from work the other day, and sat down to take off my work boots and put on my play boots. This led me to start whistling a familiar childhood song. (That would be Mr Roger’s neighborhood theme, for those that haven’t caught the reference.) With that tune came this month’s article topic, […]
Harvest timber and pay less taxes
You can reduce the amount you pay in taxes following a timber harvest just by knowing and using your basis. We recently acquired a parcel, next to the original homestead, that we had been hoping would come on the market. It gives us a bit more frontage along the creek that passes through our property. […]
Legal issues for landowners
In a previous post , Bill talked about the importance of regularly walking your property boundaries. He specifically referenced a fence issue, and talking with one’s neighbor to resolve any potential disputes before they get too big. There are other reasons to monitor your boundaries and your woodlands in general, so today we’ll touch on […]
Trees and fences and good neighbors
The ownership of trees that grow on property lines and those that fall across property lines can be contentious, but there are ways to simply and easily resolve this. I am occasionally asked questions by woodland owners that stump me. One is about trees that have fallen or were blown down onto a neighbor’s property. […]
Passing the Land on to Others
Family members are invited to participate in activities like deer hunting, and asked to help with tree planting and harvesting. But more often then not, their input is not looked for when decisions are being made regarding the management of the woodlot. Many times they are turned off by the phrase “my woods”, when they […]