
Get a free Forest Stewardship Plan

Are you having problems figuring out what steps you need to take with your woodland to get what you want out of it? Well then, have we got the deal for you!” We are starting a new project called Wisconsin Stewardship Plan Project (WSPP) to help you get a forest stewardship plan for your woodlands. […]

Deer and woodland stewardship

By Jamie Nack, Extension Senior Wildlife Outreach Specialist  Chances are deer play a significant role in how you evaluate the success of your woodland stewardship.  Whether that’s because deer and deer hunting are the primary reason you own your woodland property or because deer have the ability to significantly impact forest regeneration and species composition of your woodlands….or perhaps it’s both!   When it comes to managing deer, the key to […]

Thinking back and looking forward

December tends to be a time for reflection for me. It is a time of cold weather, hot tea, and sitting in my favorite chair thinking about the past year. This year I have been reflecting on what I have accomplished and trying to not compare that list to “before 2020”. This year I didn’t […]

A woodland owner’s journey through the bureaucracy

‘Conservation is seldom convenient’ – Randy Newberg I often think about this quote when talking with landowners looking for help with their woods. Whether help is answering a question about a tree, putting together a Forest Management Plan, or executing that plan, there are many different people, programs, and sources of information to consider.   In extension forestry, our first recommendation is usually […]

Engaging the Next Generation: Let’s Get Kids Outside! by Jamie Nack

Imagine my delight, when my daughters (9 and 11) complained about not being able to go outside during the polar vortex back in February.  School had been cancelled due to the extreme cold and we were “stuck” at home and inside.  My husband and I have made it a high priority to connect our children […]

An action plan

At one of the classes I recently held for woodland owners, a couple approached me looking for some guidance for the property they recently purchased.  This was the first forested parcel bigger than an acre they owned and were understandably unsure as to where to start.  They had all kinds of ideas for things they […]

A stand apart

I had the opportunity recently to walk through a woodland owner’s property and offer some advice. We had in-depth discussions on what she wanted to get from her woodland and how we were going to make that happen. She, like many of the woodland owners I work with, saw her woodland as one uniform forest, […]

Now is the time to plan for the future

I recently I took down the 2017 calendar, and hung up the 2018. It’s actually a really beautiful calendar of Wisconsin natural features. Along with those calendars came some work planning for the year. Funny enough, it turns out that my blog topic for the month is on management plans. The timing for this topic […]

If you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up somewhere else

Setting clear goals and priorities can help create a game-plan for climate changeBy: Stephen Handler Changes Ahead As a forest landowner, you might be hearing more about the predictions for climate change in Wisconsin. Temperatures will likely continue to rise, especially in winter. Over the 21st century, winters will likely bring less ice cover and […]