
Get a free Forest Stewardship Plan

Are you having problems figuring out what steps you need to take with your woodland to get what you want out of it? Well then, have we got the deal for you!” We are starting a new project called Wisconsin Stewardship Plan Project (WSPP) to help you get a forest stewardship plan for your woodlands. […]

Why do I need a forester for my timber sale?

It is a question a lot of landowners have, and one I hope to help answer here. For those who feel like they can run a timber sale on their property by themselves, I have some questions for you: What are the mills paying for oak? Maple? Aspen? Pine? Other species? What are your trees […]

Myths surrounding the Managed Forest Law Program

I have talked with many woodland owners about the financial programs available to them, and I learned that there are many misconceptions surrounding the DNR Forestry’s Managed Forest Law (MFL) Program. There is so much fear and misinformation surrounding MFL that, at times, I feel like I am defending it rather than touting its benefits. […]

Thinking back and looking forward

December tends to be a time for reflection for me. It is a time of cold weather, hot tea, and sitting in my favorite chair thinking about the past year. This year I have been reflecting on what I have accomplished and trying to not compare that list to “before 2020”. This year I didn’t […]

A woodland owner’s journey through the bureaucracy

‘Conservation is seldom convenient’ – Randy Newberg I often think about this quote when talking with landowners looking for help with their woods. Whether help is answering a question about a tree, putting together a Forest Management Plan, or executing that plan, there are many different people, programs, and sources of information to consider.   In extension forestry, our first recommendation is usually […]

Who are those NRCS folks and what can they do for me?

I was talking recently with a landowner about some of the projects they had in mind for their property.  As is the case with many of the folks I work with, they had projects that required much more time and money than they had to give.  The solution to many of their restraints was a […]

What to expect when you contact a forester

The last couple of weeks, we’ve been teaching our Learn About Your Land classes for landowners in the southeast part of the state. Most of these landowners enjoy their woods, but haven’t thought about it from a management perspective. For some this is a family property they visited as a kid, or land where they […]

A helping hand

As a new landowner, or one who has just recently decided to invest more time in their woods, there are all kinds of questions and decisions that are put in front of you. Owning woods is no different than owning a car and having to take it to a mechanic for help; there can be […]

Do your property taxes seem high?

It’s the start of a new year, and with that comes tax time. That property tax bill probably arrived in December, and as a woodland owner you are potentially facing a larger bill than is comfortable. Many states have realized the importance of family owned woodlands for clean air and water and good paying jobs, […]